VETTER Industrie GmbH VETTER Industrie GmbH

Location expansion: Work in progress

20. July 2022 | Insights

We recently reported: VETTER is expanding its location in Burbach by 4,200 square meters of production and logistics space and additional 650 square meters of office space. The building of the then neighbor company belongs to VETTER now.

Work is full in progress since a few weeks:
Hall walls were removed, floors brought to the same level, concreted, sanded down and sealed, garages demolished, foundations removed and a hall bypass built. Carpets removed, cabinets dismantled and new fresh paint applied to the offices. Not to mention the extensive electrics and IT that have been renewed and expanded.

The construction company’s mobile stone crusher is particularly impressive. It grinds the coarse rock directly on site and the crushed stone could directly be used for further construction work.

So the plan for move-in in late summer is working. We will report soon again…


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