VETTER Industrie GmbH

Capacity calculation and fork inquiry

Please specify blade length, fork width, fork thickness and load centre to determine the load capacity of your fork.

Capacity calculation and fork inquiry

* Mandatory fields

All forks are calculated with a safety factor of 3.

Your machine / attachment

Please specify the machine your forks should be mounted on.

and your suspension

In the next step, please choose the suspension of your fork.

QualityForks with ISO suspension

In case of deviation from the standard, please select your suspension and enter differing dimensions.

Quality<strong>Forks</strong> with ISO suspension
Quality<strong>Forks</strong> with ISO suspension

Please note

Long tapers (Fully-tapered forks) may possibly reduce the load capacity of the fork. Your forks will be checked again as part of your inquiry and the load capacity will be indicated in your quotation.

* Mandatory fields

QualityForks with DIN suspension

In case of deviation from the standard, please select your suspension and enter differing dimensions.

Quality<strong>Forks</strong> with DIN suspension
Quality<strong>Forks</strong> with DIN suspension

Please note

Long tapers (Fully-tapered forks) may possibly reduce the load capacity of the fork. Your forks will be checked again as part of your inquiry and the load capacity will be indicated in your quotation.

* Mandatory fields

QualityForks with pin-type (shaft) suspension

Quality<strong>Forks</strong> with pin-type (shaft) suspension

Suspension (please specify one version)

Version 1

Version 1

Version 2

Version 2

Version 3

Version 3

Version 4

Version 4

Please note

Long tapers (Fully-tapered forks) may possibly reduce the load capacity of the fork. Your forks will be checked again as part of your inquiry and the load capacity will be indicated in your quotation.

* Mandatory fields

Bolt-on (Screw-fastened) QualityForks

Quality<strong>Forks</strong> with pin-type (shaft) suspension

Pattern of drillings (please specify one version)

Version 1

Version 1

Version 2

Version 2

Version 3

Version 3

Drillings (please specify one version)

Version 1

Version 1

Version 2

Version 2

Version 3

Version 3

Please note

Long tapers (Fully-tapered forks) may possibly reduce the load capacity of the fork. Your forks will be checked again as part of your inquiry and the load capacity will be indicated in your quotation.

* Mandatory fields

QualityForks without suspension (blank forks)

Quality<strong>Forks</strong> without suspension <span class="small">(blank forks)</span>

Please note

Subsequent modifications (drilling / weldings) or long tapers (Fully-tapered forks) may possibly reduce the load capacity of the fork. Your forks will be checked again as part of your inquiry and the load capacity will be indicated in your quotation. VETTER accepts no liability for modifications or subsequent machining to the item delivered.

* Mandatory fields

Roller-guided QualityForks

Roller-guided Quality<strong>Forks</strong>

Please note

Long tapers (Fully-tapered forks) may possibly reduce the load capacity of the fork. Your forks will be checked again as part of your inquiry and the load capacity will be indicated in your quotation.

* Mandatory fields

QualityForks with TWS suspension

Quality<strong>Forks</strong> with TWS suspension
Quality<strong>Forks</strong> with TWS suspension

Please note

Long tapers (Fully-tapered forks) may possibly reduce the load capacity of the fork. Your forks will be checked again as part of your inquiry and the load capacity will be indicated in your quotation.

* Mandatory fields


Please specify the requested fork (available dimensions and further information):

Please upload your files here:

2 or more files? Please upload simultaneously as otherwise the files will overwrite each other.

    Allowed formats: .jpg,.jpeg,.png,.pdf
    The files must not exceed 15 MB in total.

    * Mandatory fields

    Your data

    Now just enter your personal data and you will receive your quotation. A copy of your inquiry will be send to you as a PDF via e-mail.

    * Mandatory fields

    Thank you!

    Your inquiry will be processed shortly!

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