VETTER Industrie GmbH

Better through the logistics jungle!

Retrofit solutions for a safe industrial truck

Easily installed and ready for use! Simple and quickly realisable solutions help immediately - that is the basic idea of the CleverHelpers product family.


VETTER CleverHelpers focus on the benefits of the user: more safety, more efficiency in the daily use of the forklift truck. Each avoided damage protects people and loads.


LIZZARD as a useful seeing and targeting helper for picking up loads

GEKKO as a magnetic anti-slip layer

KOALA as a impact protector in the fork back

ZEBRA warning bar for better visibility in road traffic


The CleverHelpers make forklift driving much easier.




See and target!

Precise and safe targeting of loads



Magnetic anti-slip layer

Slip resistance, damage reduction



Impact protector in the fork back

Protection of sensible goods



Warning bar

Improved visibility in traffic


YOUR direct contact

Questions? Please contact our product manager Simon Staniczek.